Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Visit Me

Over at Word Flirts today where we're discussing the pros and cons of putting aside a wip.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I'm So Excited...

I am finally back in the swing of things with my writing and it feels great. I've been doing a little preliminary work on my website and stuff, so some changes should be coming soon.

Thanks to Cole's encouragement I signed on to commit to writing a minimum of 100 words per day. That way, on days where I have plenty of time and creative energy I can write more, but on days where I don't, writing that 100 words will at least keep me in the story.

It's also time for our new classes at LRWA. February has 2 terrific courses. Here's the details:

February 2007 — Happy Hookers: Engaging the Reader from Start to Finish
Presented by: Terry Spear
Deadline: February 1

Course description:
Slow starts and sleepy endings to scenes and chapters can ruin a manuscript’s chance of being published. Conversely, solid hooks can make the sale - as workshop instructor Terry Spear demonstrates, with six publishers currently hooked for six manuscripts. Setting such practical matters aside, what author wouldn’t be thrilled to hear someone say, “I couldn’t put the book down”? Strong hooks are a vital ingredient in strong writing. In this online class, which features lectures, discussion, practical exercises, and handouts, she’ll teach students how to captivate readers with great openings, scene hooks, chapter cliff hangers, and intriguing back cover blurbs. Participants will master the hook in all its environments, from the query letter through the novel.


February 2007 — Plotting Strategy – Put your Characters in the Driver’s Seat
Presented by: Sharon Mignerey
Deadline: February 1

Course description:
This is a 4 week workshop with 2 classes per week.
Characters, not plot, drive a story forward. If you’ve ever received a rejection to the effect of “this story seems contrived” or “your characters don’t seem real” you may have events rather than character motivation propelling your plot forward. This workshop includes the following modules, each with exercises designed to practice the skills and facilitate sharing among the participants.

If either peak your interest, you can check them out at LRWA's website.

edited to add: Well, looks like my OCD kicked in and I went ahead and started to work on the blog changes. It's a WIP and so is the new website. You can check it out here. Let me know what you think!


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Getting Something Done?

Well, I've actually gotten some writing done. It's nice to FINALLY update my work ticker for Killer Design with an additional 2,750 words! And it's even better that I'm finally writing again.

I followed Emma's advice and I refused to allow myself to do any of the things I usually do to avoid doing what I should be doing. And I'm writing and it feels spectacular. One more scene and I'll be able to send my lovely cp a chapter. That's if she can still remember what happened preceeding this chapter. :-)

In the meantime, hubby and I ran away this weekend. We went to a local coastal town and just played. No agenda, no one else to worry about. Just us and whatever we felt like doing when we felt like doing it. It's been forever since we've been on a trip like that. And we decided we needed to do it more. But I'm feeling refreshed, rejuvinated, and ready to write!

How's your writing energy?


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My Brain Is Functioning...

And I remembered my day to post at Word Flirts. So join me there today!


Monday, January 08, 2007

Where Was I?

Since it's been THREE WEEKS since I have written anything in my wip, I've been trying to get back into the story. It hasn't been smooth going.

Sure, I've worked out some plot issues in my head thanks to some light bulb moments, but I'm just having trouble getting into that groove. You know, the one where you're on a roll and you don't realize an hour has gone by. That one.

I guess I'm having trouble remembering the mood I was in, if that makes any sense at all. I wish I had made notes about where I was headed before my screen went out. That's what I usually do when I know I won't be writing for a bit. I write a brief outline of what's next and when I come back it's all ready. Argh.

How's your writing going? And tricks for getting back into the groove? Have I asked that question before? Probably.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back Ordered...

We made our way home from bowling this weekend. It was a great trip, made even better by a big win! After getting home, we crashed as a result of the time change and 11 hour drive. I'm not sure I'm really back to normal... although normal is all together relative, right?

As New Year's day wore on, I grew more and more eager for today. The day I was supposed to get my handy dandy laptop back so I could WRITE. It's killing me really it is. Then at 2:00 today, as I'm thinking about calling hubby and telling him I'll drop by his office and pick it up because I can't wait till 7PM to have it, he calls me. And tells me he has bad news. My first thought of course is that something happened to the hard drive and all is lost. No, he says, "The part is on back order. He's not sure when it'll be in." And I say, "Noooooo!!!!" Even though this isn't as bad as my first thoughts. It still crushed me.

So here I am sitting at my desk at work blogging when I should be handling all of the work that piled up while I was gone. Pooo...

In the mean time, Jenna Petersen is giving her course: The Great Agent Search for our online courses this month. The class starts on the 4th and there's still time to sign up if anyone is interested. Just go to Lowcountry RWA's Online Courses.

How about you all? Starting the New Year off with a bang and lots of writing?

*Edited to add: Late this evening, the computer guy received my part and now I have a working computer again! WOO HOO!!!!!!!