Monday, January 21, 2008

Time for an Update

Hi Everyone,

I thought I would pop by and update how things are going...

Overall things are going pretty well. I am 17 weeks today and we get to hear the baby's heartbeat at each appointment. Last week we had our appointment for January and my blood pressure was on the low side which is a great sign for the blood clotting issues.

I lost 7 pounds in my first trimester. I've regained 3 pounds, so I am still down over all. My dr says that's just fine with him because the baby seems to be growing just fine. And he's not kidding there. I'm already starting to show.

We go on Valentine's day to find out the sex. We're really excited. Maybe then we'll finally start to work on getting the cluttered nursery cleared. :o)

There's been time here and there I get to read. Not nearly as much as I want. And it seems when I feel like reading and have the time to do it, I can't find anything that I really want to read right at that moment. So I'm wondering if any of you have read anything really good recently you'd like to recommend... I know you all well enough to know I won't have to beg ;o)

Thanks & Happy Writing,


Stacy Dawn said...

I'm so happy for you!! Congratulations!

And so glad you're taking it easy...this is a special time to just enjoy being a woman!--the long tiring parts when we curse our sex comes later LOL

Anonymous said...


I've read some great books this month: Michelle Willingham's new historical is wonderful! So is Margot Early's Everlasting A Spirit of Christmas--it's a timeless story even though it's based on A Christmas Carol.

Mary Beth

Julie S said...

Wow, 17 weeks already! Doesn't time fly? Glad everything is going well :-)

I've been reading the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer and it's fabulous. I highly recommend it, if you haven't read it already.

Bobbie (Sunny) Cole said...

17 weeks - how kewl, girl! :) Big smiles for you. Glad you are okay.

I'm weird, I know - am reading French Women Don't Get The Sweet Potato Queens' Big Ass Cookbook and Financial Planner - lol.

I *could* recommend a good book by moi - lol. Email me and I'll send you something of your choice. milkbone undies at excite dot com. Just put "this is April---" in the subject line.

Cole Reising said...

Getting here late and I know I've already mentioned this, but if you get a chance to read Natalie Anderson's latest... I really enjoyed it. =) I'm so glad to hear how things are progressing with the baby and your health! When we were talking the other day I meant to ask you when you guys were going to find out the sex but got sidetracked(nothing new there ;-) ) Can't wait to hear!

Take care,

Lis said...

Piping in late, but Notes From The Backseat by Jody Gehrman is great if you're looking for a fun read :o)

Glad to hear everything's going well!

KATZ said...

Congrat, again, April!!

17 weeks, wow. Hey... maybe you're having twins!!! If you think you're big already, you know... ;)

My mom saw me at 19 weeks, right at the time of our first ultrasound when we found out it was twins. And she told me later she thought I looked overly big. lol