Sunday, July 20, 2008

Baby Madness

Hello everyone,

I know it has been a long time since I last posted. Things have been nuts to say the least. But I wanted to post an update!

We settled into our new home in Mid-May. Just in time to get started on the nursery. Then on July 2, at 10:30AM, she was born weighing 8lbs even and measuring 20 1/4 inches.

She did really well and the delivery was smooth. Her cord was wrapped around her neck, but the dr was able to get it unwrapped during delivery and an emergency c-section was not necessary. There was one minor complication because our blood types are so different there was a concern over jaundice, but her billiruben levels never went out of the normal range. YAY!

Here's a picture of our new little angel:

Hope everyone is doing well and the writing is going great! I'm hoping to just be able to READ some soon. LOL!



Em said...

She's gorgeous!! Congratulations!

My guy was the same weight and height at birth. 14 weeks later he's 24+ inches and 17 pounds!

Enjoy her. I'm amazed at how quickly the time goes!

Anonymous said...

Oh, April, she's precious!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!

Karen Erickson said...

Congrats April she's beautiful! And I love her name.

Anonymous said...

Aaah yah, April!! I'm so happy for you both. Such a gorgeous little girl. Congrats!!

michellewillingham said...

Beautiful baby! Enjoy that snuggle time. :)

Cole Reising said...

She's awesome April! I'm so glad you all are doing well. Take care!


KATZ said...

She is absolutely beautiful! What perfect pink skin.
Many blessings!

April said...

Thanks so much, ladies! I have missed you all so much! I'm hoping once I get our days a little more routine I'll be able to get back to writing. The itch has been burning. In the meantime, I'm enjoying every second I can with her! :o)

Lis said...

Oh she's beautiful! Congratulations!! :o) Love her name

Bobbie (Sunny) Cole said...

She is truly beautiful, April - congratulations!!!!!

MJFredrick said...


Stacy Dawn said...

Oh April, she's BEAUTIFUL!!!!!


Unknown said...

Once we both bounce back from babies, we can have dueling baby pictures and dueling word counts :)