Sunday, August 05, 2007

Lost Letters...

First it was "E", now it's "N" and "S" is soon to follow... Slowly but surely all of the letters are disappearing from my keyboard. There are all of the usual suspects... Buckley could be sneaking into the living room and licking them off of the keyboard (he licks everything else, why not?) of course that would require him to open the laptop, which is probably too difficult a task without opposable thumbs.

It could be the little elf un-helpers who come in while I'm asleep and put tons of grammatical errors in my wip (I know they exist, that's the only explanation for why my story would read, "He kissed her perched lips..." Perched on what? Her face?).

Or it could be the effects of the sugar sprinkles I dropped on the keyboard last Christmas. They put the "A" key out of commission for a day or two, so you never know... That was interesting trip to the computer repairman!

Oh the woes of a writer with disappearing key labels... If anyone sees them about somewhere, maybe struggling to escape the overly packed bag of a mischievous little elf, please let me know... They're missed and I'm willing to go to great lengths to bring them home!

Yes, that's correct, I write fiction. I know it's hard to tell, so I thought I should clarify.


Unknown said...

I so feel your pain! I've lost E, A and the leg of R so it now looks like a P! I've heard a rumor that you can buy replacement stick-on letters. But I doubt they'd stay in place. I had to replace my last keyboard when almost all the vowels were gone! Yikes!!!

Julie S said...

LOL! I haven't lost any letters yet, but I do feel like I lose entire words, sentences and paragraphs on a regular basis.

KATZ said...

LOL - S and A are almost gone. Fortunately, I hardly look at the keyboard anymore... I just hang onto that "backspace" key and keep trying til I get it right. :)

Anonymous said...

I had no idea this happened to other people!
I have a relatively new iBook and the a, s, d,e and t have disappeared. They've been replaced once already. I'm using an older iBook right now and its keys are going strong.
An aside: DO NOT USE Sharpie to draw the letters back on. You end up with black fingertips. :-)

Kelly Boyce said...

LOL - thanks for the laugh!

Angela's Designs said...

LOL! This sounds exactly like my computer! I'm having some serious lack of paint problems. This coupled with the fact that I'm too cheap to buy a new keyboard, and I'm always retyping passwords to various Web sites. I'm a repeat offender. I'm loosing letters at work too. My theory is that I type too fast. My fingers furiously pound the paint away. I have a black keyboard with white paint and just to let you know ... White-Out wears off in about two days.