Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Two in a row!

It's a record, I'm posting two days in a row! Woo Hoo!

I'm having trouble getting my thoughts in order. I've been in survival mode for a little while which means any thoughts outside of making it through the day get lost in file 13.

So I guess this means one change to my writing habits I'm going to have to make is note taking, note taking, note taking. And I guess this means I'm going to have to accept that I may not be able to just sit down and start tappity tappity tapping on the keyboard. I may have to do a little refreshing of my memory.

Anyone else face similar challenges? Anything you can recommend to assist me with getting my head back into the story and picking up where I left off easier. It's sad that I can't sometimes remember what I did several hours ago. LOL!


1 comment:

Cole Reising said...

Two posts in a row! You're doing better than me. :-)

I think you hit it on the head---take notes and allow yourself to write out of order. :-)
