Friday, September 02, 2005

Working for the Weekend

It's a holiday weekend, and what will my darling husband and I be doing? Working! Poor thing, he's even sick. But, we have a rental unit that's been vacant a couple of months and the lack of income is really a pinch. So, we're gonna roll up our sleeves, and do some top notch painting this weekend, in hopes that it'll improve the appearance of the unit to entice someone to rent it.

I guess we really shouldn't complain. Recent events have certainly proven that we have a lot to be thankful for. So, I'll go and paint gladly. We're even taking a small tv to hook up so he can catch his college football games. Well, if he can see them through the fuzz.

I guess one way of looking at it would be that this will be a distraction from the fact that I haven't heard from the agent who has my full. I'm so excited about her, I really hope she likes my work, but we'll have to wait and see. ::sigh::

I hope everyone has a good weekend and a safe holiday for all of us here in the U.S.

My prayers still go out to everyone effected by Katrina.


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